General Policies & YE Contract
These policies have been adopted as consensus policies by the entire DG 2020-2024 DG Team and are generally applicable to Rotary District 5010 activities, officers, committees, and members. The intent is to codify and clarify current practice into consistent policies. Any deviation from these policies should be first approved by the current District Governor
General Policies (documents will download to your computer)
- District 5010 Policy No. 2021-01: General Governance, Officers, Committees and Committee Assignments, and Council of Governors
- District 5010 Policy No. 2021-02 Youth Protection Policy and also RI Youth Incident Reporting Form
- District 5010 Policy No. 2021-03 Crisis Management, Club Level
- Strategic Plan 2021-2024, as approved by membership May 6, 2021
- Data Security Policy
Excess Reserves
District 5010 may optionally provide funding for certain District infrastructure improvement projects and for District-wide projects that have a long-term District-wide positive impact upon our state and its communities.
At this time, Excess Reserves policy discourages funding of projects that are basically the sorts of club-level projects traditionally undertaken by one or a small group of clubs. Funding for such traditional club-level projects should be sought from the normal Spring DDF grants process.
Excess Reserves policy will likely be reviewed in the foreseeable future and the following Excess Reserves scoring protocol is provided as a guide to current policy and restrictions regarding approval of Excess Reserves funding requests. Any such policy changes will be posted if and when made.
The scoring rubric for Excess Reserves link below:
Youth Exchange
As the legally responsible officer, only the District Governor is authorized to sign Youth Exchange agreements /contracts of any sort and to bind the District. The District Governor will only sign Youth Exchange Agreements which have first been legally reviewed and approved by legal counsel retained by the District.
There are three separate but related documents, all of which shall be fully executed by all parties and forwarded to the District Governor prior to any District 5010 Outbound student leaving on a Youth Exchange: